Author: admin
Top 10 Most Beautiful Waterfalls in Iceland
Iceland is a country of many amazing waterfalls. Below is my top 10 list of beautiful waterfalls that I‘ve had the pleasure to photograph: For more waterfalls see also: Waterfalls in Iceland | Tips &...
Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Photographing Babies
Newborn photography is one of the hottest genres of photography today. And with more and more babies being born everyday, the demand for talented newborn shooters has never been higher. Here are ten reasons from...
Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Dogs
Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Dogs 1. They are loud. BARK!! BARK!! BARK!! Even reading those three words is annoying! 2. They are dirty. They lay down their dog shit wherever they are...
The 25 Best Drunk Texts Ever
Whether accidentally sending your Mom or just receiving a shameful recap of drunken events you don’t remember, mixing alcohol with text messaging yields comedic gold. Enjoy twenty-five of the best drunk texts ever’